Frog Lady

My name is Keir Forsyth. I am the frog lady behind Aqua Gumbo. When I started keeping aquariums I knew nothing about the nitrogen cycle and I made all of the heartbreaking mistakes. I learned to do better and have made it my personal goal to help other people through that essential initial stage of aquarium keeping. Through forums and personal messages over the past few years I’ve helped dozens of people cycle their tanks and keep their pets healthy.

Cycled Filters

With all the advice I’ve given over the years the absolute solution in every case has been a cycled filter. I have already done the lion’s share of the work for you by cycling sponge filters without exposure to animals. They have none of the potential problems that come with media from a friend or pet store. They have nitrifying bacteria needed to process ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate; a complete nitrogen cycle. And they include other types of beneficial bacteria that can take a very long time to establish in an aquarium.

*See a live animal demonstration here.

Join me on Facebook for tips and hands on advice on how to cycle your aquarium.

African Dwarf Frogs

African Dwarf Frogs are my favorite aquatic pet. They are currently suffering from a new mycobacterium that takes their lives quickly after the onset of symptoms. It has been heartbreaking to watch people get excited about their new pets and do everything right to care for them only to watch them suffer and die.

It is my goal to supply people with pet frogs that are not infected with this disease. My frogs are bred in my home and my tadpoles and froglets are cared for as my pets until they become your pets. They are fed a variety of live and high quality frozen foods during their development and their water quality is impeccably maintained.

I have a few froglets who are ready for new homes. Email me for more information.

To learn more about African Dwarf Frogs and the mycobacterium that is affecting them please join African Dwarf Frog Care and Support Group on Facebook.