First Tadpoles

My first froglets are now in their new home. I rescued several tadpoles from the adult tank on May 28, 2021 without much expectation that they would survive. But they did. I became quite proud of the tiny pond I created in a bath bin the size of a shoebox and was pleased that I was able to bring all of the tadpoles through metamorphosis. I apparently have some instinct for this. I never thought that all of the time I spent during my childhood in Southern Louisiana observing the wildlife with mud rings around my ankles would someday be useful.

I now have around 40 tadpoles growing in 2 small tanks. 22 of them are in what I call the Deadpool stage; their tiny useless legs are getting bigger every day (watch Deadpool 2 and you’ll understand.) The rest are mostly swimmers who are just starting to develop leg buds. I’d say I’m about 1 month out from having fully formed froglets again and 2-3 months out from being able to ship them to you.

Here is a video of my first tadpoles and froglets when I moved them from the bath bin pond to a glass aquarium.


Freckled Frog