Seeds Nano 4-Day Shipment: Live Animal Demo

This is a continuation of the demonstration of Seeds Nano filters after 4 days in shipment. The filter has processed the ammonia from the tap water and live animals have been added to the tank.

Day 0: Two African dwarf frogs were placed in the tank. Dry slate was added to provide a hiding place and a dry fake plant was added to give the frogs a place at the surface to hang out.

I chose my gravid female, Firefly and my male, Po Tak for this demonstration because she needed to breed. I am pleased to say that amplexus began immediately after placing them in the tank.

Day 1: There was no noticeable rise in ammonia or nitrite. The frogs were fed before putting them in th the tank so were not fed today.

Day 2: There is still no noticeable rise in ammonia or nitrite. The frogs will be fed today and the uneaten food will be left in their tank. They laid eggs over night.

Day 3: Ammonia has risen slightly. Nitrite remains at zero. Today is not a feeding day. A dry silk plant was added to offer the female some assistance in surfacing while in amplexus.

Day 4: Ammonia is a touch higher than yesterday. Nitrite is at 0.25ppm. They ate nearly all of the eggs and newly formed tadpoles overnight so no feeding today. I will treat the water with Seachem Prime.

Out of an abundance of caution for the frogs I tested nitrite again later in the day and it is dropping. No need for a water change.

Day 5: Ammonia and nitrite are zero. The aquarium photo shows ammonia from distilled water on the left and tank water on the right. The photo on the upper right is a close up to compare the two. The frogs were fed after testing the water.

Day 6: The cycle is stable. No feeding today. Photo taken by a pet sitter.

Day 7: The cycle is stable. Feeding day.

Day 8: Solid cycle

Summary: Ammonia and nitrite rose to around 0.25ppm each for about a day.


Seeds Nano Demo 4-day shipment