Seeds Nano Demo 4-day shipment

This test will show the efficacy of Seeds Nano cycled sponge filters after 4 days in shipment. The filter spent 4 days in the trunk of my car in high temps around 90°F and low temps around 60°F.

Set Up: A new 6 gallon tank was set up with around 5.5 gallons of tap water conditioned with Seachem Prime, the filter and the water from the bag. Once the ammonia from the tap water has been processed I will begin a live animal demonstration in this tank.

Day 1: The ammonia level has dropped slightly.


Day 2: Ammonia levels are dropping. Nitrite and nitrate levels are rising.

Day 3: Ammonia has dropped slightly. Nitrite and nitrite are a touch higher.

Day 4: Ammonia has dropped to zero. I compared it to a bottle of distilled water as shown in the top photo (left: distilled water and right: tank water). Nitrites appear to be about the same.

Day 5: Ammonia and nitrite are at zero.

See a live animal demonstration using this tank and filter.


Seeds Nano 4-Day Shipment: Live Animal Demo


Seeds Nano Demo