Seeds Nano Demo

Demonstration of Seeds Nano filters over five days in a new aquarium with live animals.

Set up: A 14 gallon aquarium was filled with roughly 10 gallons of water, dry substrate, dry stones and a dry plastic plant. A Seeds Nano cycled sponge filter was added to the tank and the tank was left for one week with the filter running in order to process ammonia that existed in the tap water.

Day 0: Two African dwarf frogs were added to the tank

Day 1: No discernible levels of ammonia or nitrite. The frogs were fed frozen mysis shrimp. Uneaten food was left in the tank to decompose.

Day 2: No feeding today.

Day 3: Feeding day. Excess food was not removed.

Day 4: No feeding today. A comparison was made between ammonia levels in distilled water and in the tank.

Day 5: Feeding day. The frogs decided to reproduce.

Summary: Over five days of feeding every other day ammonia was not elevated to a level that would harm animals and nitrite never appeared on the test. The filter was able to handle the bioload. During the week following this demonstration six more frogs were added to the tank, some floating plants and two more gallons of water. There was some noticeable nitrite while the bio filter adjusted which required two water changes. As of today 08.30.21 there are nine frogs in the tank and the biological filtration is stable.


Seeds Nano Demo 4-day shipment